Anemone is not the Enemy – Shortlisted for the 2021 CBCA Book of The Year: Early Childhood. This quirky and humorous picture book tells the story of a sea anemone who lives alone in a rock pool and desperately wants a friend … The story follows a series of conversations between the anemone and the visitors to the rock pool as the tide goes in and out. A sweet story of friendship dappled with fascinating marine life facts.
This story provides excellent opportunities to discuss…. Friendship-building, feelings, individual differences, strengths and weaknesses, compatibility and loneliness.
Discussion questions:
- What does it mean to be a friend?
- What makes a good friend?
- Have you ever been the new kid somewhere? How did you feel?
- How can you make a new friend?
- Is there anything about you that makes you feel different to all your other friends?
Teaching ideas:
- Act it out! Students act out the conversations from the story. Cut out the characters from the story and create a puppet show.
- Create an under the sea diorama!
- Compare high tide and low tide… Rockpool and ocean.
- Use the facts from the book to create a rockpool fact file.