“That Bird Has Arms!” by Kate & Jol Temple is a delightful book that explores themes of individuality, uniqueness, creativity, and embracing the unexpected. Its whimsical storytelling and engaging illustrations make it a fantastic choice for classroom use, providing a rich foundation for various educational activities.
I know this book will be one of my classroom go-tos for years to come. Here are some ways I’ll be using it in my lessons:
Class Discussions:
- Initiate conversations about the book’s themes, such as individuality, uniqueness and creativity. Ask students to share their thoughts on how the bird’s unique characteristics influence the story and what lessons they can learn.
Art Projects:
- Have students create their own illustrations of the bird with arms or imagine other animals with unusual traits. This can be a fun way to blend art with literature and encourage creativity.
Drama Activities:
- Organise a play or skit based on the book. Students can act out scenes, practice dialogue, and explore character development through performance.
Science Connections:
- Explore the biology of birds and other animals. Discuss what makes the book’s bird special and compare it with real birds. This can lead to a lesson on animal adaptations and habitats.
Creative Writing Prompts:
- Use the book as a springboard for creative writing. Ask students to write their own stories about animals with unique characteristics or about their adventures.

Using “That Bird Has Arms!” you can create a rich and engaging literary experience that will inspire your students and foster a love for reading and writing.