Your Perfect Harmony Day Classroom Activity

Every year during Harmony Week, my school brings together students from different year levels, grouping them into buddy pairs to explore various cultural activities and themes throughout the week. Yet, finding activities that cater to both Kindergarten through to Year 6 students at the same time has always been a challenge… until now! Let meContinue reading “Your Perfect Harmony Day Classroom Activity”

Celebrating Harmony Day In The Classroom

MONDAY 20 – SUNDAY 26 MARCH 2023 What is Harmony Day? Harmony Day, which is held on the 21st of March every year, is a time to celebrate Australia’s cultural diversity and promote inclusiveness, respect and a sense of belonging with its key message being ‘Everyone Belongs’. Celebrating Harmony Week in the Classroom Harmony Week is aContinue reading “Celebrating Harmony Day In The Classroom”